What the most cost effective heater for a small shop? How I Heat My Shop For Cheap

How I heat My workshop using a CHEAP Diesel heater from VEVOR, and a propane heater. GREAT combination for heating a small garage for cheap!

Use Promo code below⬇️
VEVOR Diesel Air Heater: https://s.vevor.com/bfP6RS
VVPRO to save 5%
(NOT a paid advertisement) VEVOR sent heater to test, and I like it so much Im using it to heat my shop.
What Im using to power the diesel heater MUST HAVE for heater to work on ac current ⬇️

Propane heater in video⬇️

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00:36 What does Heating a shop REALLY mean?
01:45 Insulation important!!
03:45 How much does insulation save you? REAL numbers
05:05 Electric pros and cons
07:51 Propane pros and cons
11:52 Diesel heater from VEVOR pros and cons
16:43 Quick not about powering Diesel heater
17:23 What does it really cost to run different fuels DIRECT comparison
21:08 Why not a wood stove or mini split??

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What the most cost effective heater for a small shop? How I Heat My Shop For Cheap

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