The Entrance Vault to the Great Pyramid and ScanPyramids corridor explained

The enormous gabled chevron blocks above the entrance to the Great Pyramid have confounded explorers and researchers for centuries. The purpose for this Tura limestone saddle vault ceiling has seemed inexplicable, because the corridor below doesn't use them to relieve weight from above.

In 2016 the ScanPyramids research mission shocked the world by announcing the detection of a hidden corridor-like space behind the chevron blocks that sit above the entrance. Egyptology has not yet fully investigated this phenomenon, nor given a realistic explanation for its existence.

In this video we meticulously reconstruct the partially destroyed Entrance Vault to determine its original design and a likely purpose for its construction. We then connect the ScanPyramids corridor to the Entrance Vault for a complete analysis, and peer back into time to determine what the Old Kingdom Egyptians were really up to.

The Entrance Vault to the Great Pyramid and ScanPyramids corridor explained

Pyramids Egypt History Granite History for Granite Ancient Old Kingdom

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