Feb 22, 2023 I Chronicles of the King: David I 1 Chronicles 2:1-27 I Ash Wednesday I Rev. Don Matzat

The curse of sin has made it’s way to us and into us. For this reason, we will die. We have a mortality that we must face, recognizing that this world is not as it was created to be. With ashes, we mourn our sin – ashes placed on our foreheads. YET – we place the ashes in the form of a Cross, because in Jesus, we don’t face our mortality alone nor do we mourn our sin with no hope. Today, we’ll look at David’s life as a king who not only was a sinful, broken man, but who was loved dearly by God – as are we.

Today’s service is led by Pastor Jason Auringer, Pastor Don Matzat and Pastor Tom Roma
Sermon Title: “Chronicles of the King: David”
Text: 1 Chronicles 2:1-2, 7-19, 26-27
Music: Jordan Glock (Organ)
Ash Wednesday – 2.22.2023

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Feb 22, 2023 I Chronicles of the King: David I 1 Chronicles 2:1-27 I Ash Wednesday I Rev. Don Matzat

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