GameStop Just Did Something They SWORE They'd Never Do.... I'm Floored

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Gamestop just cut Store Managers pay by nearly 10k in some cases. Absolutely destroying moral. I read messages from devastated employees.. GME.

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Also Hana for the art and thumb and filming:

#gamestop #xbox #ps5

GameStop Just Did Something They SWORE They'd Never Do....  I'm Floored

Gamestop Gamestop story gamestop rage gamestop rant gamestop horror stories why I left 11 years why I left gamestop gamestop 11 years Gamestop Closing Camelot331 Gamestop store closing gamestop closing gamestop in 2020 gamestop be like camelot Gamestop Pre-orders playstation 5 ps5 xbox xbox series x ps5 pre order xbox pre order Black Friday PS5 black friday work at gamestop work at gamestop 2023 gamestop leaks info gamestop customer info

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