Grandmaster Nightfalls are back in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph! And we have the Insight Terminus GM Guide, which is the BEST EXOTIC ARMOR FARM IN THE GAME!
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New #Destiny2 video, going over the new Destiny 2 News after the new destiny 2 TWAB (this week at Bungie) for January 12 released during Season of the Seraph! This is just after the new Destiny 2 Showcase witch officially revealed the new Lightfall Expansion and Year 6 of Destiny 2! The new Witch Queen DLC is here! It provides a new campaign, new weapons, new exotic quests, and so much more! We have the latest witch queen updates and news! Season of the Seraph has launched, with the new Heist Battlegrounds Activity, the Operation Seraph's Shield Exotic Mission and the updated Deep Stone Crypt Raid! But today we are going over a bunch of new info from the first TWAB of 2023, a massive new destiny 2 update arrived which will unlocked the best Titan Build, Warlock Build, and Hunter Build for everyone! because EVERY Charged with light mod, Warmind Cell mod, and Elemental Well mod will be unlocked! but we also have the next new Iron Banner being announced, as well as iron banner changes, HUGE changes to Grandmaster Nightfalls which will make them more accessible than ever before, and more!
#Destiny2News #SeasonOfTheSeraph
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