Will I Survive this Deadly Mountain Climb - Climber: Sky is the Limit

Welcome to Climber Sky is the Limit. Climber: Sky is the Limit is a mountain climbing simulator with survival elements. To succeed you need to plan the trip, prepare appropriate equipment, face extreme weather conditions and survive. In this episode, I take on Manaslu, a massive mountain with deadly weather and deep canyons. I hope you enjoyed this episode of Climber Sky is the Limit, thanks for watching and liking.

More Climber Sky is the Limit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78mQLMCWNdY&list=PLEngsjAeWQXgTRgb6_7NiyF9QszFiE43A

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#Climbing #MountainClimbing #Survival

Will I Survive this Deadly Mountain Climb - Climber: Sky is the Limit

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