Transform Your Body, Mind, and Soul: Subscribe to the @360strongwomen youTube Channel. Are you ready to take control of your health and wellness? The @360strongwomen You Tube channel is here to guide you on your journey. With a focus on fitness, healthy eating, meditation, and self-care, our videos will empower you to make positive changes in your life. From workouts that can be done at home to meal prepping and stress-management techniques, we cover it all. join a community of strong, motivated women ans subscribe today to access a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for living your best life. #fitness #shorts #workout #yoga #workoutathome #wellness #wellnessgoals ,#goalsetting #strengthtraining #pilates #cardiokickboxing #cardio #bodyweighttraining @360strongwomen
Disclaimer for 360Strong Women, Beth Jordan and all who are affiliated with the 360 Strong Women You Tube Channel and its content.
Disclaimer for Fitness/Movement and Yoga Videos and Shorts:
Any fitness activity can pose some potential risks to health. To reduce and avoid injury, a doctor should be consulted before beginning any exercise program. Be sure that the area within which you will exercise is appropriate for physical exertion. When you utilize [Beth Jordan] videos and/or participate in virtual classes, you are performing exercises at your own risk. [Beth Jordan] will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of your participation. If you experience any nausea, shortness of breath, feeling of lightheadedness, irregular heartbeat or other health concerns, cease exercise immediately and seek assistance from a doctor.
Disclaimer for cooking and recipes:
All persons using these recipes should make sure they do not have an intolerance and or allergy to any ingredients and that they use all safety precautions when using kitchen tools and working around a stove/oven.
Disclaimer for Coffee talks: The information discussed in each coffee talk are the opinion of the content creator to create a positive outlook for the user. All subjects have been researched and vetted but are not a replacement for professional counseling. Seek professional help when needed.