Shapath Bhalobashar | শপথ ভালোবাসার | Tanuja Feels Unsure | অনিশ্চিত বোধ করছে তনুজা

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The court is adjourned for two days following Rishi's outburst inside the courtroom. Meanwhile, Tanuja starts to have second thoughts about her decision. She dwells in the memories of their past. Will Tanuja change her mind?

Shapath Bhalobashar is a story of star crossed lovers Rishi and Tanu who are destined to be together since birth. Their love has stood the test of time, cheating even death. This story of reincarnation will even make non-believers believe in love.

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Shapath Bhalobashar | শপথ ভালোবাসার | Tanuja Feels Unsure | অনিশ্চিত বোধ করছে তনুজা

Shapath Bhalobashar শাপথ ভালবাশার Rishi and Tanu love cheating कसम #कसम कसम सीरियल कसम नाटक Rano Pawan Tanu Rishi bengali dubbed shows colors bangla family show sony liv zee bangla voot

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