Iran May Have A Nuclear Weapon

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Iran May Have A Nuclear Weapon

The International Atomic Energy Agency says that Iran now has enough material to build several nuclear weapons. They have 70 kilograms of uranium enriched to 60% purity, with another 1,000 kilograms enriched to 20% purity. The agency has raised the alarm about the amount of uranium Iran has but has expressed caution saying that this doesn’t mean that Iran has a nuclear weapon already… Just that if they wanted one, they could build it. This comes as the US and Israel have conducted the largest joint exercise in their history.. likely to prepare for a potential military strike on Iran.

Produced by: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco
Edited by: Ben Wheeler
Art Department: William Crespo
Writing/Research: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco
#usa #iran #israel

Iran May Have A Nuclear Weapon

news world news current events nuclear weapon nuclear war Israel Iran Iran nuclear program Iranian nuclear weapons Iran nukes Israel vs Iran Israeli nuclear weapons Israel nukes US v Iran US Iran nukes Israel Iran

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