Buccaneers want Tom Brady back; Raiders, Titans & 49ers among those interested | NFL | UNDISPUTED

Reports have tied Tom Brady to signing with the Las Vegas Raiders, Tennessee Titans and San Francisco 49ers this offseason as he becomes a free agent. First said on our show by Skip and now also being confirmed by other reports, the Buccaneers quote, “very much want Brady back.” Brady admitted this week he has not made a final decision on returning next season at age 46 or retiring. Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe speculate what’s next for Tom Brady.

#Undisputed #NFL #TomBrady

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About Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTED:
UNDISPUTED is a daily two-and-a-half hour sports debate show starring Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe. Every day, Skip and Shannon will give their unfiltered, incisive, passionate opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day.

Buccaneers want Tom Brady back; Raiders, Titans & 49ers among those interested | NFL | UNDISPUTED

Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTED

Buccaneers want Tom Brady back; Raiders, Titans & 49ers among those interested | NFL | UNDISPUTED

skip bayless shannon sharpe skip bayless shannon sharpe fox fox sports fs1 undisputed skip and shannon NFL Football UNDISPUTED Shannon Sharpe Skip BAyless NFL Playoffs Tom Brady Brady Tom Tampa Bay Buccaneers Buccaneers Bucs Las Vegas Las Vegas Raiders Tennessee Titans Titans San Francisco 49ers 49ers Niners Tom Brady retire

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