Check out Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign here:
KoH1 was one of my favourite games as a teenager. I'm really happy that we get to be sponsored by KoH2: Sovereign in this video. We had lots of fun in the ~20 hours we spent in the game. We didn't encounter any major bugs, so, we're definitely recommending the game to any history enthusiast!
The siege of Jerusalem 1099 during the first crusade was one of the most influential events in history. It contributed much to the already complex and intertwined history of the Levante. In this video we look at the siege in detail. However, we're not covering events like the siege of Antioch or the battle of Dorylaeum in much depth. We hope you enjoy anyways!
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#history #siege #documentary
Asbridge, Thomas S., The First Crusade: Eine neue Geschichte, Oxford 2004.
Costick, S., The Siege of Jerusalem. Crusade and Conquest in 1099, New York 2009.
DeVries, K./ Smith, R. D., Medieval Military Technology, Toronto 2012.
France, J., Victory in the East. A Military History of the First Crusade, Cambridge 1997.
Runciman, S., A History of the Crusade, vols. 1-4, Cambridge 1987.
Setton, K. M./Baldwin, M. W., A history of the Crusades vol. 1, Madison/Milwaukee/London 1969.
Tyerman, Ch., The Crusades, Oxford 2004.