ORNAMENTS ~ EPIC Satisfying Cookie Decorating of *29* Different Ornament Cookies with Royal Icing

An epic ornament shape series set has been on my brain since last Christmas… and I’m so glad I finally made it this year! And boy, is it EPIC 🤩 29 designs made it into the final cut (plus a handful of “duds”). I feel like I’ve been in a bit of a creative rut the last few months, so it felt SO good to have that much creativity in me to crank out that many designs! Some of the designs are totally new from my brain, some are similar to what I did for other shape series sets (like the trees and hearts) and some are inspired by designs done by other cookiers (which I credit below and will as well in the individual reels).

Cutters are The Graceful Baker Ornament Set from Brighton Cutters: https://brightoncutters.com/collections/the-graceful-baker/products/graces-ornament-set?variant=39858119475235
***Use this code for 10% off your first order: https://brightoncutters.com/?smile_referral_code=ajEHZ6xe&st_intent=st%3Areferrals%3Acustomer-offers%3AajEHZ6xe&utm_campaign=smileio_referrals&utm_medium=referral_url

The Sugar Art -- https://bit.ly/2W1z6im :
*** use code THEGRACEFULBAKER15 for 15% off your order from The Sugar Art!
- Sterling Pearl in Wedding Gold: https://bit.ly/3AljIPM
- mixed with their Color Solution to paint with: https://bit.ly/3HpOAiG

Embossed parchment paper (can be purchased from either site):

Music: https://www.purple-planet.com "Christmas by the Fire"

How to make royal icing (step by step): https://youtu.be/uE5gYfihKpg
Royal Icing Consistencies (step by step): https://youtu.be/AObfqJGyXsY
Cookie recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoOzChKVZYg&t=191s

My favorite products and discount codes for my favorite brands: https://thisisthegracefulbaker.com/favorite-products/
***Includes my Amazon shop, projector, dehydrator, tipless bags, edible glitter/metallics and SO much more!

WEBSITE: https://thisisthegracefulbaker.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thegracefulbaker/
TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@thegracefulbaker
PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/thegracefulbaker/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gracegaylord/

ORNAMENTS ~ EPIC Satisfying Cookie Decorating of *29* Different Ornament Cookies with Royal Icing

christmas xmas baking holiday baking rudolf gingerbread man peppermint elf wreath snowflake santa christmas tree christmas lights

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