My Little Pony: Equestria Girls | What Happened to Fluttershy (Costume Conundrum) | MLP EG Shorts

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Welcome to the official home of My Little Pony & Equestria Girls! πŸ¦„ Discover the magic ✨ of friendship with Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and friends. Join My Little Pony and subscribe today! Enjoy great MLP episodes here on My Little Pony Official channel where you can find: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, My Little Pony Equestria Girls, MLP Stop Motion Shorts, Hello Pinkie Pie and our brand new Pony Life episodes!

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls | What Happened to Fluttershy (Costume Conundrum) | MLP EG Shorts

🌈 Meet My Little Pony Rainbow Squads 🌈

Whether an alicorn like Twilight Sparkle, a unicorn like Rarity, a pegasus like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy or an earth pony like Pinkie Pie and Applejack, get to know your favorite friends from My Little Pony and Equestria Girls!

My Little Pony - The Ponies:
πŸ’œ Twilight Sparkle: The leader of the Mane 6, she shares the magic of friendship with everypony she meets.
❤️ Fluttershy: A kind and gentle pony with a love of all creatures, big and small.
🧑 Applejack: Honest, friendly and sweet to the core!
πŸ’› Pinkie Pie: The silliest pony around, she knows how to turn any frown upside down!
πŸ’š Rarity: The resident fashionista, known for her beauty and generosity.
πŸ’™ Rainbow Dash: A loyal and dependable friend who is always ready for adventure!

My Little Pony - The Equestria Girls:
πŸ’œ Twilight Sparkle: Clever and curious, this Equestria Girl is always ready for a new challenge!
❤️ Fluttershy: Though shy and soft-spoken, this kind-hearted Equestria Girl will stand up for her friends no matter what!
🧑 Applejack: Sincere and self-confident, she is an Equestria Girl who stays true to herself!
πŸ’› Rainbow Dash: The ultimate team player, this Equestria Girl enjoys having fun with her friends!
πŸ’š Rarity: Trendy and fashionable, this Equestria Girl is all about generosity and fabulousity!
πŸ’™ Pinkie Pie: Entertaining and energetic, this Equestria Girl always makes sure her friends are having a great time!

✨About Pony Life ✨

Explore the funny side of friendship with My Little Pony: Pony Life!

Just like going to a friend’s house after school, the ponies spend most of their time at Sugarcube Corner. Here, Pinkie Pie serves up frosted cupcakes to the best customers in the world -- her friends! Together, the Mane 6 run into all sorts of cupcake conundrums, frosting fails, and magical mishaps. Thanks to a mysterious source of magical potions, everyday adventures are about to get real ridiculous!


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My Little Pony: Equestria Girls | What Happened to Fluttershy (Costume Conundrum) | MLP EG Shorts

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