To add to her spooky nature, Jenna Ortega withheld from blinking throughout her performance as the titular character in Wednesday. From the creative mind of Tim Burton, Netflix's Wednesday follows the eldest Addams child as she navigates social life and mysterious murders at her new school for outcasts, Nevermore Academy. With the release of Wednesday season 1, Netflix announced that fans won't catch Ortega blinking, at Burton's instruction. Although there are actually some moments where Ortega does blink in the show, those moments are alarmingly few and far between.
When director Tim Burton decided the character shouldn't blink, Wednesday star Jenna Ortega truly committed to it, making the few times she does shut her eyes feel all the more powerful. Wednesday can be caught closing her eyes during the car ride with Morticia and Gomez to Nevermore in Wednesday episode 1, "Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe," during her confrontation with Bianca at the Rave'N in episode 4, "Woe What a Night," and when she hugs Enid in the season 1 finale, "A Murder of Woes." While Wednesday doesn't blink regularly, the habit appears to mark moments when she experiences discomfort or shock.
Jenna Ortega's lack of blinking in Wednesday wasn't planned from the beginning, but when she accidentally did a take without blinking several months into filming, Tim Burton was enamored with the results and insisted she continue the idea. A lack of blinking is commonplace in many of Tim Burton's movies, including Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and Dark Shadows. Part of the reason for this is that blinking is one thing that simply unsettles Tim Burton. "I don't know why," the director confirmed to Yahoo! when asked about his aversion to blinking, "Even when you're mentioning it now, it freaks me out.