Solar Eclipse 2022 UAE Time Lapse and Significant Stages

When the moon is between Earth and the sun and casts a shadow across the planet, this is known as a solar eclipse. On October 25, 2022, a partial solar eclipse was seen in the UAE. Depending on where the moon is in relation to the sun and earth, you can observe this unusual cosmic phenomenon at various points, including its beginning, peak, and termination. We saw 37% of the eclipsed sun in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, between 2:44 PM and 4:56 PM. The Images were taken using Canon 70 D Camera and Sigma 150-600 mm with Solar filter. The timelapse video was processed from 120 RAW images that were aligned using PIPP software.

Location: UAE University Male Campus
Date 25-10-2022
Time: 2:43 PM to 4:56 PM
Music Courtesy: Future Glider - Brain Bolger (Youtube Audio Library )

Solar Eclipse 2022 UAE Time Lapse and Significant Stages

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