A&Z #1099 - Professional eater Randy Santel versus Porto Piri Piri's Undefeated "Cheeky" Peri Peri Chicken Challenge hosted by Porto Piri Piri in South Glasgow, Scotland of the United Kingdom!! After finishing up our 2-week Northern Ireland Tour, @Katina Eats Kilos and I spent 3 weeks exploring most of the major cities and areas around Scotland. During our travels, I attempted 12 Scottish man vs food restaurant challenges. For eating challenge event #2, we headed to Porto Piri Piri located in South Glasgow, Scotland so I could attempt their undefeated "Cheeky" Piri Piri Chicken Challenge which had remained unbeaten after many local attempts during the previous few months. I had 45 minutes to feast on lots of delicious items from their menu. There were 5 grilled chicken wings, 5 grilled chicken tenders, 1 whole grilled chicken breast, 2 corn-on-the-cob, 5 fried mozzarella cheese sticks, 2 large orders of fries, and the toughest part was finishing a ~3lb "Cheesy Tater Tot Box" with lots of hash browns smothered with cheese, grilled piri piri chicken pieces, and the sauce of my choice. I also had to finish a huge overstuffed chicken wrap, a can of sugar free Irn-Bru, and a pint of "Half Baked" Ben & Jerry's ice cream with brownie bites and pieces of cookie dough. I was trying to become the first champion to win my £37 meal free plus a spot on Porto Piri Piri's Wall of Fame. BIG thanks to everyone with Porto Piri Piri for the wonderful food, drinks, and hospitality!! Special thanks to everyone from around the Glasgow area who came to watch that Friday evening. We appreciate everyone in the Glasgow area and around Scotland who watches videos and supports our efforts!! There are 10 more Scotland food challenge videos upcoming and I hope you enjoy them!!
Katina's Porto Piri Piri Challenge video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k67APh79pi0
Can pro eater Randy Santel conquer Porto Piri Piri's Undefeated "Cheeky" Chicken Challenge in Glasgow, Scotland??
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Porto Piri Piri's Undefeated "Cheeky" Peri Peri Chicken Challenge in South Glasgow, Scotland (£37):
- Porto Piri Piri has been serving the South Glasgow region of Scotland for many years now.
- Porto Piri Piri started this massive Cheeky Chicken Challenge a few months before Katina and I arrived into Scotland. It remained undefeated after a few brave attempts by Glasgow locals.
- Porto Piri Piri offers lots of different sauce options and you choose what goes on everything.
- There are 5 grilled chicken wings, 5 grilled chicken tenders, 1 grilled chicken breast, and 2 corn on the cob.
- There is 2 pieces of garlic bread, 5 fried mozzarella cheese sticks, and 2 large orders of fries.
- The toughest part of this challenge is that you must finish a ~3lb "Cheesy Tater Tot Box" with lots of hash browns covered with more grilled peri peri chicken pieces, loads of cheese, and your choice of sauce.
- There is a giant overstuffed wrap filled with mozzarella cheese, chicken tenders, and veggies with your choice of sauce. Challengers are also required to finish their choice of canned beverage in addition to a pint of flavored Ben & Jerry's ice cream for dessert.
- There is a 45 minute time limit to finish everything. Good luck and win before you begin!!
- Winners receive the £37 meal free plus a sweet t-shirt and spot on the Wall of Fame.
- If you beat the current time record, you also win the £250 cash incentive prize!!
This restaurant food challenge video was filmed on Friday, August 5, 2022 (8/5/2022).
Porto Piri Piri's website: http://www.portopiripiri.co.uk
Porto Piri Piri's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Portopiripiri
Check out our FoodChallenges.com YouTube Channel and How To Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/foodchallengesvideos
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For Business Inquiries Only:
Atlas [at] RandySantel.com
Send stuff to Randy Santel and/or @Katina Eats Kilos
PO Box #594
Menomonee Falls, WI 53052
Video edited and produced by @Nathan Figueroa
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/natefiggs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NateFiggs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natefiggs
Opening music by Chuki Beats
Intro and Challenge Music provided by Epidemic Sound
"Out Of Glory" by Trabant 33
"Man From Mars" by Sunbreak
"Power Grit" by Sven Karlsson
"Civilization Meltdown" by Eoin Mantell