Herb gardening - day 34 - dry out day. everything looking reasonably happy, except for bleach spots

Almost a month into moving our Herb garden indoors, I started having a little bit of an issue with water spots on certain plants. I think the issue stems from the fact that we recently had Wells work done. When the work was done they put bleach in the well. If that can take months to work its way out of the system. We use charcoal filtration on our water in order to block the bleach from coming through. Sometimes those filters get tired though. A small amount of bleach comes through. This is equivalent to the level of bleach that would normally be in city water, which is just enough to burn the leaves on a seedling. We are only talking about parts per million, but it can cause issues. Yesterday things got watered from underneath, so we are letting things dry out today in order to combat this problem.

Herb gardening - day 34 - dry out day.  everything looking reasonably happy, except for bleach spots

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