The Handiest Tractor Implement?

After seeing the Tipping trailers used in the UK I thought they looked very useful and set off to find one here in the US, I had no luck but did find @Berkelmans Welding & Manufacturing Inc. up in Canada had just what I was looking for. If I recall correctly, they make these in sizes from this 2 ton model to over 20 ton. I would love to find one of the original Massey Ferguson trailers, but I doubt many, if any were sold here.

I have it hitched to the Massey Ferguson 1840e in this video, but have used it with the Massey 180 and the 150 as well.

The great thing is that they will go anywhere your tractor will go. Leaves are the lightest thing I use it for, but for hauling logs, dirt, gravel, stones, posts, and so on it beats hauling several loader buckets of the same material.

As with any farm trailer, be sure your tractor has enough weight and traction to safely stop and hold the whole rig on the terrain you're working.

The Handiest Tractor Implement?

compact tractor subcompact tractor acreage massey ferguson 1840e

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