Single Family Electrification Considerations and Requirements under the 2022 Energy Code

With the 2022 Energy Code going into effect January 1, 2023, California is moving closer to meeting goals for carbon reduction, grid harmonization and energy efficiency. Electrification, photovoltaics, and ever-increasing building efficiency measures are all tools utilized to help single-family construction achieve these goals. During this session, we will review the electrification measures of the Energy Code and explore appliance choices, such as space heating, water heating, cooktops and clothes dryers, that can meet those measures taking into consideration installation criteria, cost, and fuel source; explore when the photovoltaics (PV) minimum requirements apply and how PV sizing should take into consideration these additional electric appliances and other electric loads of the home; discuss how battery storage allows the homeowner to store electric production from the PV system to utilize during peak use conditions and the Energy Code requirements when battery storage is not installed at time of construction. There is a lot of great information out there supporting electrification, and we take a look at some of Energy Code Ace’s favorites.
Speaker: Gina Rodda | Principal/Owner of Gabel Associates, LLC

Single Family Electrification Considerations and Requirements under the 2022 Energy Code

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