Scorpio, what a powerful and pivotal month for you! You are going to see so much progress, and even new beautiful beginnings! I'm so excited for you :) Check out your monthly tarot horoscope reading for the full picture ❤️
*I do a general Celtic cross spread for Scorpio sun sign and rising, but I also use astrology and my guides to bring further clarity and get more specific with my readings. Tarot and astrology go hand in hand.
To book a personal reading with me, visit my website at
Some of my favorite things!
Your Sixth Sense: Unlocking the Power of Your Intuition by Belleruth Naparstek
***This book really did change my life. It’s such a powerful read. I truly recommend it for anyone looking to become more aware and tap into their intuition.
Remedy Organics Reset Program - 3-Day Holistic Cleanse (Or just delicious plant-based wellness shakes)
***Since January, I started replacing breakfast with one of these Remedy Organic shakes (created by a holistic nutritionalist and female founder). Remedy Organics was recommended by a friend, and I have not looked back. I do feel they give me a lot of clarity throughout the day!
The Astronomy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
***I LOVE this book. I love astronomy. I love the universe. This is such a fun book, great coffee table book, and surprisingly under $15.
Black Onyx (helps with clarity and positivity) Necklace
***I wear onyx. So many great gems out there, but I love onyx :)
You Are More Than Just Your Sun Sign: An Insightful, Intuitive, and Practical Interpretation
***Such a fun, great read if you want to know more about astrology.
RayBan unisex sunglasses
I know this has nothing to do with tarot, but it is SO hot and bright outside. These are amazing -- a lot of other styles too 😎
Crystalya Premium Grade Crystals and Healing Stones in Wooden Display Box
I absolutely LOVE this. I’m obsessed with healing crystals, and I have them all over my home. These are high quality, and I’ve gifted these to friends.
All recommendations are affiliate links.
Week One
1. Venus opposite Jupiter - Relax and have fun
2. Mercury goes direct - no longer retrograde!
6. Mercury trine Pluto - Be practical, grounded today.
8. Pluto goes direct - no longer retrograde!
9. FULL MOON IN ARIES - Beautiful fiery, high-energy full moon! Mark your calendar! Sun, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Mercury, moon all harmonious!
Week Two
10. MERCURY ENTERS LIBRA - Diplomatic, fair-minded, balanced communication. Great aspect.
11. Sun trine Saturn; Mars square Neptune. Great vibes.
12. Mercury opposite Jupiter
13. Venus trine Saturn - Beautiful day. Get married!
Week Three
17. Sun trines Mars. Great day to start a new project and take action on passion!
18. Venus trines Mars. Lovely, gorgeous day, especially love related.
19. Sun square Pluto; Venus square Pluto. Stay chill today.
22. Sun conjunct Venus; Mercury trine Saturn. Saturn goes direct - no longer retrograde! Exciting day for all, maybe meet someone new for love.
23. SUN ENTERS SCORPIO; VENUS ENTERS SCORPIO - Intensity heats up. Passion. Power. Emotionally charged commitments.
Week Four
25. NEW MOON PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE IN SCORPIO - Think back to the eclipse on October 25, 2014 (this eclipse happened at same degree). Intimacy, control, power, money may be a focus now, but definitely emotions could be quite extreme. Good time to to make changes in our lives and new beginnings. (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, all fixed signs, may feel this eclipse the most).
26. Mercury trine Mars. Love this day. Mental clarity and action.
27. Mercury square Pluto. Jupiter re-enters Pisces!
29. Mercury enters Scorpio. Just remember: words have power. Secrets revealed. Investigate.
30. Mars goes retrograde in Gemini - avoid launching major new services until January 12.
31. Uranus opposite Sun and Venus. Be chill.
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Thanks for all your support, and let’s spread love, good energy and great vibes across the world!
My tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only. I am an intuitive consultant using my knowledge of astrology, tarot, intuition and divination. I am not a medical professional, and I cannot give legal, financial, or medical advice. Viewers are responsible for how they view the videos, and their interpretations.
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