Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury is the first TV Gundam series to air since Iron Blooded Orphans and is currently airing during the Fall 2022 anime season. It's a decent mecha / giant robot and original anime, but it's definitely got some issues when it comes to the writing. It takes a lot of cues from Revolutionary Girl Utena, but that doesn't automatically make it good. Fortunately the direction is pretty great as well as the OST, so it's go some things going for it.
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Gundam Witch From Mercury is an anime from the fall 2022 anime season, alongside anime like chainsaw man, bleach, bleach thousand year blood war, bleach 2022, bleach tybw, mob psycho 100 3, golden kamuy s4, spy x family part 2, my hero academia season 6, the eminence in shadow, reincarnated as a sword, bluelock, urusei yatsura 2022, and many more. This is a review of Gundam Witch. This is a review of Gundam The Witch From Mercury. This is a reaction to gundam the witch from mercury. Gundam The Witch From Mercury OP reaction. gundam the witch from mercury review. Gundam Witch OP. Gundam Witch From Mercury OP. gundam witch ed. Gundam Witch From Mercury ED. Suletta. Eri. Miorine. This is a review of Gundam Witch From Mercury. - totoellini