On today’s episode we go over several doctrinal topics which are debated in the churches and discuss whether or not these doctrinal stances are heresies with a capital H or with a small h, and whether these positions should cause us to divide or at the very least be cautious.
00:00 - 02:44 Intro
02:44 - 03:52 Start
03:53 - 10:23 Preterism
10:23 - 14:11 Pre-Tribulation Rapture
14:12 - 18:12 Cessationism
18:12 - 20:25 Prosperity Gospel
20:34 - 23:44 Replacement Theology
23:44 - 28:03 Hebrew Roots Movement
28:04 - 29:33 Once Saved Always Saved
29:35 - 30:02 Calvinism
30:02 - 31:30 Baptismal Regeneration
Left Behind or Led Astray
The Great Debate
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