Tuning Fork 528 Hz to Heighten Your Vibrations + Autumn Equinox Card Reading (& Eva Energy at End!)

Hey there everyone! First, I want to say that it's a 528 Hz Tuning Fork (I said 523 in the video!) and is super high-vibe, the frequency of love. Thisenergetic, musical frequency can help with DNA repair and just raise your mood and being way, way up! First is a cleanse with a clear quartz point and palo santo, then the tuning fork, followed by a collective card reading from three decks for this Autumnal Equinox time of the year:) Thank you so much to each and every one of you!!!

****One-Time-Donations - Click on the Button in the Banner or the Link https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=47YJWECE82YGS&no_recurring=0&currency_code=USD

**I offer custom videos and personalized card readings as well...
*10-15-minute reading using 1 deck - $16
*20-25-minute reading using multiple decks (3 or more) - $26
---- Please just email me at asmrcharpositiveenergy@gmail.com so we can message back and forth about which reading you want! I’ll just need your name, general location in the world, birthdate, and a recent picture of you. These will be pre-recorded and personalized, custom reading just for you😊

*5-minute video - $11
*15-minute video - $22
*25-minute video - $33
*35-minute video and up - $44 and up (depending on the length you want)
--- Just email me at asmrcharpositiveenergy@gmail.com and we can message back and forth about what kind of custom video you’d like! These will also be pre-recorded and personalized, just for you😊 It could be a more general topic, like wanting positive energy, or negative energy pulling, or something more specific, such as depression, anxiety, self-love, and acceptance, grief, anger forgiveness, etc. Your video can also involve the use of crystals and any other energy-supportive items you’d like!

DISCLAIMER – I am not certified in any energy work modality. Having said that, I believe I have a lot of positive, healing, and helpful vibrations and energy that’s meant to help the good of you as an individual and the good of the collective.
Please also check out my other channel – ASMR Char – Relaxing Role Plays & More… https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrLhA8yEpgU4HtO3zDb4U5A! I also offer custom videos – ASMR role plays & more - for purchase on that channel😊 Thank you so much for all your support and beautiful energy – sending tons of love and sunny good vibes to each and every one of you!!!

Tuning Fork 528 Hz to Heighten Your Vibrations + Autumn Equinox Card Reading (& Eva Energy at End!)

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