The Cornfield, the Sunken Road, Burnside Bridge - over time these areas of the Antietam Battlefield have become known as the most crucial areas of fighting. However, many historians argue that the most important part of the battle took place right where the visitor center sits today. Join Garry Adelman, Dennis Frye, Kevin Pawlak and Kris White as they walk the field and discuss the actions of September 17, 1862. #AntietamBattlefieldTour
This video is part of our coverage commemorating the 160th Anniversary of the Battle of Antietam. View the whole series here:
The American Battlefield Trust preserves America’s hallowed battlegrounds and educates the public about what happened there and why it matters. We permanently protect these battlefields for future generations as a lasting and tangible memorial to the brave soldiers who fought in the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War.