"The Court Is Being Quite Unreasonable, & the Feud with My Expert Over His 'Degree' Is Unnecessary!"

DUI defense lawyer Larry Forman goes head-to-head with a judge who claims the defense's expert witness will not be permitted to testify about the results of the blood test because he "does not have a degree in biology."

August 31, 2022

Hardin County, KY

The DUI Guy Calls Dr. Henson to the Stand: 0:00
Prosecution Objection #1: 6:51
Prosecution Objection #2: 14:49
Prosecution Objection #3: 21:44
(jury collectively sighs)
The DUI Guy Loses It: 22:22
Judge Says "He does not have a background in biology:" 23:21
The DUI Guy Goes Head-to-Head with Judge: 25:03
The DUI Guy FINALLY Gets his Direct Examination: 39:10
The Prosecutor's Cross Examination: 55:55

Judge: Honorable Deborah Lewis Shaw, Hardin County District Court Division II
Defense attorney: Larry Forman, a.k.a. the DUI Guy
Prosecutor: Melanie Biggers, Assistant Hardin County Attorney
Arresting Officer: Trooper James Wright, Kentucky State Police Post 4

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"The Court Is Being Quite Unreasonable, & the Feud with My Expert Over His 'Degree' Is Unnecessary!"

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