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Dr HitteshGurujee with Navratri Diwali Puja and Havan on The Devi Tele Summit 2022 presented by The Mystic Lotus and Dragonflies
1. Full Call Replay
2. FASCINATING STORY! Discovery of Shakti Peeth!!
3. Origin Story of Shakti Peeth (Maa’s Sacred Places)
4. Meaning & Importance of Mantras, Havan, Tarpan, Marjan & Bhojan
5. Join Maa Durga Puja (Guidelines in Description)
Highlights from the Call
• Everything is energy or matter. We can’t create or destroy both, we can convert one to another. For example, fire converts grains (matter) into food (energy)
• The most powerful yantra in the history of creation is the Human Body as it is a small replica of countless universes. Human body can convert anything into anything!
• We have 3 ‘best friends’ -
1. Habits / addictions - they don’t leave us even after our death
2. Fat - When we catch weight / fat, it refuses to leave us
3. Dhananjay Vayu - Doesn’t leave us even after death. Its job is to burn or rot our body. (It is present in all things in different proportions. For eg. iron has more so it rusts (rots) fast. Plastic has less, so it lasts long)
• Shakti Peeth is a place where Maa Sati’s body parts are found. Must check out the call replay for the fascinating origin story and new discovery story by Gurujee!!
• A Maa Puja in its entirety involves Mantras, Havan, Tarpan, Marjan & Bhojan. What do they mean and why are they important, watch Gurujee explain in the call replay highlight below
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