Makaram Avoid this to Attain Peak - மகரம் 13-12-2022 வரை இந்த ஒன்றை தவிர்த்தால் ராஜயோகம்
#makararasipalan #makaramsukran #sukran #sukranmoodam #makaramlovelife #bapuandavar #bapu_andavar #creatingforindia #makaram2022
Sukra Moudyami: Venus Combust 2022 September-December, Effects:
Venus combust 2022 happens during 02:15 IST on 15 September – 05:59 IST on 02 December while in transit between Leo and Scorpio.
During this period, Mercury is also combust and retrograde till 02 October in Virgo.
Saturn remains retrograde in Capricorn till 23 October and Jupiter retrograde in Pisces till 24 November 2022.
Moodami /moudamyi/ Moudyam / lop are all words for the venus i.e. sukra and guru moudhyam periods. There are two types of moodam in vedic astrology. Moodami means the darkness in Sanskrit. Whe the planets vrihaspati or guru and shukra, the venus near the Sun the Moodami occurs. The planet nearing the sun loses its energy and auspicious powers and darkness occurs in the influence sphere of the concerened planet.
Guru Moodam occurred in 2022-2-23 during the Swassthi Sri Plava nama Samvatsara Guru Moodami from 19 February 2022 that ended on the 20 March 2022. During this time engagement(michiyathartham, Vivaham Marriage, upanayanam, Devatapratishta, starting new good business, shops, offices must be avoided.
Shukra Moodam 2022 – 2023 will occur from 15 September 2022 to 2 December 2022.
during the season of Moodam, the auspicious ritual like seemantham, annaprasana, shasthi poorthi, Bheemararatha, Shanti, Sahasra Chandra Darshanam, Entering into new rented house, Navagraha Shanti pooja, Land Registrations, Home or farm land apartments , all homams, yagams construction of slab or roof on old houses or existing housed shall be done, namakaranam, aksharabhyasam, vidyaarambham, joining new jobs, etc can be done with consultation of your famly astrologer.
During combustion, Venus blocks our judgement in love, family and finance matters.
Also avoidable are changing or joining new job, moving to a new house, proposing love, change of work place, interior designing at home or office.
However, talks, paperwork for above, repair work and construction which started already can be done during this period.
It is better not to start shootings of any new movies till early december.
This ‘Venus Eclipse‘ can be seen couple of hours after sunset in west direction. Venus appears as a small black spot on Sun.
Get ready for financial crunch, breakup in relations, rejections, cheating, loneliness, frustration.
Those born with Venus as their ruling planet (born in ascendants or moon signs of taurus or libra, with moon in nakshatras of bharani, poorva phalguni, poorvashada, born on friday) can get frustrated easily, lose self control over petty issues, loss of income, get irritated if others are watching entertainment programs.
Makara rasi September rasi palan 2022
2022செப்டம்பர் மாத ராசி பலன் - September month horoscope 2022
#Makaramrasi2022 #Makaramrasipalan #Makaramrasi #Makaram2022 #Makaramrasi2022 #Makaramraasi #Rishabarasi #Rishabarasitamil #Makaramrasi #Makaramrasipalan #makram #Makaramrasipalangal2022 #Makaramrasipalangal #Makararasipalan #Makaramrasipalangal #Makaramrasiyogam #Makararasipalan #Makaramrasigurupalan #Makaram #Makaramrasimay2022 #2022palangalMakaramrasi #Makaramrasimay2022tamil #MakaramrasiSeptember2022 #MakaramrasiSeptember2022 #MakaramrasiSeptember2022 #MakaramrasiSeptember2022tamil #MakaramrasiSeptember2022tamil #bapuandavar #BapuAndavar #bapu_andavar #MakaramrasiSeptember2022tamil # மகரம் ராசி #மகரம்# மகரம் 2022 #அதிசாரசனிபெயர்ச்சிமகரம்
#மகரம்ராசிசெப்டம்பர்மாதபலன்கள் #மகரம்செப்டம்பர்மாதராசிபலன்2022 #மகரம்ராசி2022
#மகரம்செப்டம்பர்மாதராசிபலன்2022 #மகரம்செப்டம்பர்மாதபலன்கள் Makaram rasi,Makaram,Makaram,Makaram rasi 2022,Makaram rasi palan,Makaram rasi,Makaram 2022,Makaram rasi 2022,Makaram raasi,Rishaba rasi,Rishaba rasi tamil,Makaram rasi,Makaram rasi palan,makr am,Makaram rasi palangal 2022,Makaram rasi palangal,Rishaba rasi palan,Makaram rasi palangal,Makaram rasi yogam,Rishaba rasi palan,Makaram rasi guru palan,Makaram,Makaram rasi may 2022,2022 palangal Makaram rasi,Makaram rasi may 2022 tamil,Makaram rasi September 2022,Makaram rasi September 2022,Makaram rasi September 2022,Makaram rasi September 2022 tamil,Makaram rasi September 2022 tamil,Makaram rasi September 2022 tamil மகரம்ராசி, மகரம்,மகரம்2022,
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