Hangout by Straightforward and more (Easy Demon)

this is very hard for an easy demon. i spent almost 500 attempts even though it doesn’t include parts that are hard for mobile. the gameplay itself is generally fun, but the chokepoints really ruin it a lot. in particular, the first ufo, first robot, the ship at 43%, and the short ufo part at ~53% are really hard compared to the rest.

the decoration in this is very good and optimized, as it only uses 60k objects and i didn’t lag a lot, probably epic-worthy imo

Attempts: 462
Personal rating: High-end easy demon
In-game rating: Easy demon
Enjoyment: 6/10
Deaths after the second drop: 77%, 85%, 93% x2

if you read this, i will

Hangout by Straightforward and more (Easy Demon)

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