Grandma's Recipe | Anti-Inflammatory Spiral-Salad | 5 minutes

Today we will prepare a really healthy Cucumber Salad made with Grandma's recipe from Asia / China.
This Salad is Anti-Inflammatory and helps cleaning the intestine and helps digestion.

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// Ingredients //

3 Cucumber
1 bunch Spring Onion
2 Cloves Garlic
40 ml Soy Sauce
20 ml Agave Syrup
1 Tbsp Rice Vinegar
1 tsp Sesame Oil
1 Tbsp Sesame Seeds
1 tsb Chili Flakes

Grandma's Recipe | Anti-Inflammatory Spiral-Salad | 5 minutes

cucumber salad easy fast 5 minutes 10 minutes diet lose weight burn fat clean intestine digestion Anti-Inflammatory chinese china asia delicious tasty yummy einfach gurke salat schnell 5 minuten 10 minuten diät säubern darm gewicht verlieren fett verbrennen 3 kg in 7 days 3 kg in 7 tagen kilo lecker schmecker entzündungshemmend kilo vermek salatalik salata 3 kilo 7 günde 1 hafta 1 week 1 woche antienflamatuvar barsak temizlemek

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