A Small Price to Pay for Releasing the BOGUS...

The first loss in season 2 of Mac's Last Stand. I had mistimed 2 of his triple spin punches, and the randomness that comes with not getting him down twice in the first two rounds kind of got to me in the end. Luckily, this part of the series ended on a good note as Mac was able to secure the World Title once again.

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A Small Price to Pay for Releasing the BOGUS...

release the bogus release the bogus punchout super macho man super macho man loss super macho man release the bogus super macho man releasing the bogus punchout wii punch-out punch-out wii punch-out wii release the bogus punchout wii release the bogus punchout release the bogus punch-out release the bogus super macho man defeats little mac mac's last stand macs last stand macs last stand loss macs last stand season 2

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