WHAT ORDER DO YOU DO SEWING PATTERN ALTERATIONS IN?? (and how much does it matter anyway?)

So you've started making adjustments and altering your sewing patterns, but now you're thinking "what order am I supposed to do these alterations in?" It's a good question and let's talk about the best order you can choose no matter the pattern alterations you have to do!

✂ // LEARN

Learn how to make all the pattern alterations you need to sew clothes that fit at
VINTAGE SEWING SCHOOL : https://www.vintagesewingschool.com
And even take a free class!


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SUCCESSFUL SEWING PROJECTS START WITH A PLAN! ✂ Take a peek at my method of planning a refashion!

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WHAT ORDER DO YOU DO SEWING PATTERN ALTERATIONS IN?? (and how much does it matter anyway?)

Evelyn Wood sewing pattern alterations adjusting sewing patterns to fit adjusting sewing patterns altering sewing patterns to fit altering sewing patterns pattern drafting for dressmaking pattern drafting for beginners pattern making for beginners learn to sew for beginners learn to sew clothes sewing for beginners

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