Here is a latest Recap of "The Sniper" Trailer. Villagers take advantages of Dead Giant for Tourist Attraction.
About The Drowned Giant Movie
The best episode of this series, "The Drowned Giant," which is based on a short tale by JG Ballard, is without a doubt. The plot is straightforward—a giant washes ashore on the shore. He is met with astonishment by the locals of a little fishing village on the English coast, but they quickly start taking advantage of the body. It doesn't matter if he climbs all over it, sprays graffiti on it, or even builds a sandcastle on his belly to desecrate it. Instead of doing this, our main character considers the existential essence of life and death. the deterioration that gradually robs us of our humanity. Our legacy and how, in the big scheme of things, we become myth and legend before being entirely forgotten.
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I give a full Review of a movie "The Drowned Giant " on RAPID RECAPS CHANNEL
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