Location Mechanicsburg, PA.
~ Condenser Microphone Cracks & Crunches
~ Quiet Face Paper & Quiet Office = ASMR
~ Mindfully Placed Ads ~ Relax
~ Chiropractic Sleep Time Remedy
It’s 11:44 and today's yoga is a spoonful of magically delicious…
"It depends on what kind of trauma it is" @ 26:09
To be honest, we’re only scratching the surface with this video and the pulse reading
Silly Rabbit, theoretical physics is just for kids
But here we are… knee-deep in a toroidal bowl of cosmos crunch
let’s sip on the hip pain of multi-dimensional hypotheticals
Yes… hips are often associated with parental energy
Yes… right is masculine and therefore akin to father
However, her pain is on the anterior surface of the body...
and if we're going to project the holographic resonant field of the entire entirety unto the human form and function…
Then the anterior (or front) of the body is associated with the FUTURE
And therefore her hip tension can not be a traumatic vestige of her father's death
and thus... why I pointed out the change in the room's energy when she mentioned her unborn son.
(which is in the pulse reading on channel 2)
We certainly have to unwind the trauma in it's full spectrum and acknowledge the colorful array of pebbles that present like a fruity collage of childhood memories
Zoe has certainly done a lot of processing of her father's death on her own
And of the upmost importance is how she sees the trauma as a "lesson within a lesson"
She also had 2 tattoos in his remembrance... his name and birthdate...
and btw, her dad had the same name as my dad... "Bill"
Twich opens the avenue of a story I once wrote to you about the morning my father began to die.
And my right hip sent a never heard before crack bouncing off my yoga mat, which immediately summoned me, psychically, to my dads impending death.
Damn, wish I could link that here...
Regardless, tattoos are possibly a way for people to process the unconscious in a form of art that depicts a hidden or unspeakable part of a person's soul
Irregardless (not a real word but...) we were still tapping on the candy-coated outer crust of the morphic resonant field when I cracker jacked her toes and she mentioned "her father used to do that for her on the couch"
Which was the first she mentioned him... then moments later the hip... then the tats...
And we can't let it slip that the hip went unmentioned... until I released it...
a suggestion that the tension is so deep that it had been forgotten, normalized,
or hasn't even happened yet within the context of a linear forward progression of time reality
However, although, and perhaps as the intuitive streak within my beak leaked, upon suggestion...
the tension in her hips is really about her unborn son...
(again, in the pulse read on channel 2)
Maybe… just as the tension in her jaw is about the unspoken
and that is why we practice noticing the breath
bc breathing is a lot like consciousness... or awareness
You see... the breath just works... 99% of the time... all by itself... without your input
Just like the conscious creation of a 3 dimensional holographic matrix mind that manifests into physical reality… without your input
But we can also change, hold, slow or speed the breath at the helm of your will (Manipura chakra)
Just like your ability to think, plan, and execute changes in your physical reality
(or so it seems... we can't get to cocky with that new age manifester slogan bc ultimately, surrender is the secret sauce)
And just like the breath, without pushing or pulling, holding or spooling... we can just watch and notice the natural rhythms of rising and falling… a design to harmoniously capture oxygen to accept the free electrons of energy metabolism... so that you can sit upright... and read this sentence
I'm talking to you
you're breathing
but are you noticing?
you’re living
but are you participating?
Because really.... wtf are we supposed to do with all that information up there?
We can't just sit and notice the breath
We are not monks in a cave
And that is why my frends
We sing and dance in gratitde for the divine grace which blesses every fiber of this beingness
every nook and cranny
every loop and bunches
every kix and pops
every golden gram, frosted flake, and cocoa crispy
Grab a spoon
Start your day right
With a bowl of thankfulness
In Gratitude
That's why I make these videos.
thanks for watching "INSANE CRUNCH • Spine• Jaw• Pubic Bone Cracks. ASMR Relax Chiropractic + PAIN RELIEF, TMJ."