How Enter The Gungeon Was Made by Waiting in a Parking Lot For 6 Hours

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This Enter The Gungeon documentary details the development of 2D bullet hell roguelike Enter The Gungeon and goes behind the scenes of its creation. Discover more about development studio Dodge Roll and its small team of creators. Brent Sodman, David Rubel and Dave Crooks were all working at Mythic Entertainment, until EA sold the whole company. Instead of going to another EA studio, the developers decided to start their own video game company and began working on Enter The Gungeon. The documentary also explores all the design decisions that Dodge Roll made and shows how the basic premise and gameplay was born in a single afternoon.

It also takes a close look at all the hurdles the team had to go through. The team only had a few weeks to create a first prototype and pitch it to publishers at E3. Additionally, the members of Dodge Roll took a huge risk and poured all their life savings into the game and decided against using Kickstarter. Furthermore, the developers had trouble implementing the right bullet hell mechanics and ended up creating their own version of BulletML, which is an open source bullet scripting system. Lastly, Dave Crooks shares some advice for aspiring indie developers and talks about what’s next for Dodge Roll.

Article sources:!AtL-iav41hYanUIdGfhEEc6djOfR?e=Waf3lu

Video sources:

Other sources:
Press Reset: Ruin and Recovery in the Video Game Industry
The Business of Indie Games: Everything You Need to Know to Conquer the Indie Games Industry

Script written by Anine Van de Ryck.

Outro song: Thank You R.G.E. - Joe Bagale

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#EnterTheGungeon #DodgeRoll #GameDevelopment

How Enter The Gungeon Was Made by Waiting in a Parking Lot For 6 Hours

how enter the gungeon was made how enter the gungeon was developed how enter the gungeon was created enter the gungeon behind the scenes enter the gungeon video game documentary making of enter the gungeon enter the gungeon making of how it was made how games were made enter the gungeon documentary enter the gungeon development enter the gungeon video game documentary behind the scenes video game indie game dodge roll documentary indie roguelike thatguyglen

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