Halo: Fireteam Eagle is AWESOME! Mega Construx Review.

Fireteam Eagle... ROLL OUT! This review is in conjunction with Demarcation Media! Check out his video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-ECQw9AQag

🔥 Fireteam Venom: https://youtu.be/DAuHNlWMAYA
🔥 Fireteam Crimson: https://youtu.be/Ndgli6yKek8

Crimson included an elite team of five Spartans operating onboard the UNSC Infinity. Armors include Spartan Scout, Soldier, Oceanic, Enforcer and Aviator. Which one is your favourite?

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Prepare your defenses and protect the colonies by sending in Fireteam Eagle by Mega Bloks Halo. This specialized squad includes five highly detailed, super-poseable micro action figures. They come with an interchangeable armor system and attachable weapons and accessories for tactical operations. You can build the Forerunner Light Bridge and show your allegiance by planting the Fireteam Eagle flag and defending your territory.

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The Domain is back with another Halo Infinite Mega Construx video!

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#thedomain #megaconstrux

Halo: Fireteam Eagle is AWESOME! Mega Construx Review.

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