Destiny 2 - Aztecross gets knifed Constantly #destiny2

The main editors gave out footage to edit, so I decided to have fun with it. Thought I might as well upload it. Hi cross. I'm new to destiny 2 editing so hello.
Discord: quiver#7267
Destiny2: quiver#1010
#destiny2 #aztecross

Destiny 2 - Aztecross gets knifed Constantly #destiny2

aztecross SirDimetrious mpedits Datto bungie cammycakes panduh xhoundish Destiny 2 stasis super titan stasis titan Bungie Destiny Broken Destiny 2 the video game Destiny 2 broken super Destiny 2 class ability Destiny 2 ability Luckyy10p benny Forcer saywallahbruh Esoterickk rickkakis truevanguard coolguy frostbolt zkmushroom zanny pattycakes gaming shadowdestiny fallout plays TDT cbgray sweatcicle gladd jarv grenadier jake motw movie of the week

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