7 Things To Consider Before Getting Your Concealed Carry Permit and Carrying Concealed

Before carrying concealed, whether you have to apply for a concealed carry permit or not, there are some things you should consider.

In this video, Myles talks about 7 points you should think about before getting a concealed carry permit and/or carrying concealed.

What is Force on Force training? Read here: https://tacticalhyve.com/force-on-force-training/

- Tactical Hyve Website | https://tacticalhyve.com
- Marksmanship Standards | https://go.tacticalhyve.com/marksmanship-standards-guide-1

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- CCW Safe Insurance | https://tacticalhyve.com/recommends/ccwsafe/home-14/
- Dry Fire Mag | https://tacticalhyve.com/recommends/dryfiremag/dry-fire-mag/
- Mantis Blackbeard | https://tacticalhyve.com/recommends/mantis/blackbeard/
- Mantis X10 Elite | https://tacticalhyve.com/mantis-x10-elite-review/
- Mystery Ranch Backpacks | https://tacticalhyve.com/recommends/mr/mystery-ranch/
- NeoMag | https://tacticalhyve.com/recommends/neomag/home-16/ (Use code Hyve10 for 10% off)
- Nutrient Survival | https://tacticalhyve.com/recommends/ns/nutrient-survival/ (Use code TACHYVE for 10% off)
- Tenicor Concealed Carry Holsters | https://tacticalhyve.com/recommends/tenicor/home/ (Use code TACHYVE for 10% off)
- Safariland Tactical Holsters | https://tacticalhyve.com/recommends/safariland/holster-finder/

- Sony Alpha 7S III Camera: https://amzn.to/3xkspGD
- Sony FE 24-70 mm Lens F2.8 G Master: https://amzn.to/3O4jqjK
- Ronin-S Gimbal: https://amzn.to/3O2MlVg
- GoPRO Hero 10: https://amzn.to/3tsNbTo
- GoPRO Max: https://amzn.to/3O4M6cr
- Sennheiser EW 112P G4 Lav Mics: https://amzn.to/3ttXYNn
- Rode Microphones Wireless GO II: https://amzn.to/3tvNkW9

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#tacticalhyve #ccw #concealedcarry

7 Things To Consider Before Getting Your Concealed Carry Permit and Carrying Concealed

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