2022 English Christian Song | "You Ought to Seek God’s Approval"

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2022 English Christian Song | "You Ought to Seek God’s Approval"

For the sake of your fate, you should seek God’s approval.
Since you acknowledge that you are a member of the house of God,
you should bring unto God peace of mind and satisfaction
for Him in all things.
Make your actions be principled and conform to the truth.
If you can’t achieve this, God will hate and reject you;
you’ll be spurned by every man.
Once you’re in this predicament,
then you cannot be counted among the house of God,
and that’s what is meant by not having God’s approval.
For the sake of your fate, you should seek God’s approval.
Since you acknowledge that you are a member of the house of God,
you should bring unto God peace of mind and satisfaction
for Him in all things.
Make your actions be principled and conform to the truth.

All have deceived and resisted God.
Some misdeeds are forgivable, some are not,
for many deeds violate His decrees
and offend God’s disposition.
God exhorts you to grasp what His decrees consist of,
and try to know God’s disposition.
If not, it will be hard to keep quiet.
You’ll speak too much high-sounding talk.
You’ll unwittingly offend the disposition of God,
fall into darkness and lose the Spirit’s presence and light.

Since your deeds are unprincipled,
you do and say what you should not,
the retribution you get will be what you deserve.
You might lack principle in words and in deeds,
when in both of these things God is highly principled.
You receive punishment
because you’ve offended God, not a human being.
If you do many offenses against God’s disposition,
you’ll be a child of hell.
So instead be honest, and principled in actions.
Then you can become a confidant of God.
For the sake of your fate, you should seek God’s approval.
Since you acknowledge that you are a member of the house of God,
you should bring unto God peace of mind and satisfaction
for Him in all things.
Make your actions be principled and conform to the truth.
If you don’t offend God’s disposition,
and if you seek His will,
and if your heart holds reverence toward God,
then your faith is up to par.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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2022 English Christian Song | "You Ought to Seek God’s Approval"

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