Warlord Games Epic Battles Waterloo - 'The Hundred Days' Supplement Flick Through & Review

I take an early look at 'The Hundred Days' Supplement for a Flick through & Review.

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Miniature Realms social media:

Miniature Realms Studio https://m.facebook.com/miniaturerealmsstudio/
Instagram: @MiniatureRealms
Twitter: @MiniatureRealms
Email: miniaturerealmsstudio@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MiniatureRealms

Useful links:
Waterloo uniforms - http://centjours.mont-saint-jean.com
Epic Waterloo FB group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/841664579833139/?ref=share

If you’re a fan of Lord of the Rings please check out my podcast based on Games Workshops Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game.

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Warlord Games Epic Battles Waterloo - 'The Hundred Days' Supplement Flick Through & Review

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