Republicans in Congress have already said that they plan to investigate just about everything that President Biden and his family have ever done, along with investigating the January 6th Committee and Nancy Pelosi. But now they've come up with yet another issue they want to investigate: The 2020 election. Citing the debunked film "2000 Mules", some Republicans would like to see the House investigate the use of ballot drop boxes and other things they didn't like about the 2020 election. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.
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So we've talked a lot in recent weeks and months about the fact that Republicans assume already, of course, that they're gonna be taking back the house after the midterms. And they've made it clear. They're gonna launch investigations into inflation, into Afghanistan, into hunter Biden and everything hunter Biden has ever done in his life. They're gonna investigate Nancy Pelosi. They're gonna investigate the January 6th committee. They're gonna investigate the members and the evidence of the January 6th committee. And now folks, we can add a new one to that list. Representative, Andy bigs has sent a letter to the house oversight committee already asking for an investigation that, of course we know won't happen into the data presented by Danes de so's new film, 2000 mules.
Mr. Bigs says that, Hey, there's a lot of stuff in this documentary that, uh, you know, could point to some illegal activity. So we, we need you to, to investigate this. And of course, Republicans are whispering behind the scenes. If they don't investigate it, once we take back the house, of course, we're going to investigate it, which means Republicans will launch a full scale investigation into the 2020 election. And they're using the dumbest possible piece of evidence to justify this. And that of course, is the film 2000 mules. This film has been picked apart. By fact, checkers it's been picked apart by data experts, cyber security experts, and even former Republican attorney general William Barr said that he was unimpressed basically unmoved by any of the data presented in the film and what 2000 mules, uh, I'm trying to boil it down as simple as possible.
Uh, they're trying to say that, oh, you had all these people, the ballot harvesting Dropboxing, you know, all of these ballots in single places. And they're saying that based on the cell phone data, because we can see from the data that this person was in this area, like five times, they have no video evidence that they were actually dropping ballots off. They just know that, Hey, this person was near a Dropbox, like four or five times that day. It doesn't even matter if that person like worked in the building where the Dropbox was, you know, they didn't bother to vet any of that crap. They didn't bother to vet whether or not it's somebody's regular commute or just somebody who exercises walking around that block. And that's why, of course, the data experts look at this and say, this data means absolutely nothing. And it's almost ridiculous for them to even present it as some kind of evidence of voter fraud. But that's what the film does. And Republicans in Congress apparently love that and they wanna investigate it just like they wanna investigate all those dozen other things. You know what I say, at this point, let it happen because there's a couple of intelligent
Republicans in the house of representatives who have warned their party, that if we spend the next two years doing nothing, but these investigations we're gonna get creamed in 2024, not just in the house and Senate races, but also in the presidential race, people are gonna get mad. If we don't focus on at least some of the issues that affect their daily lives. So let 'em do the investigations. You wanna, you wanna play 2000 mules in Congress and then launch an investigation on it, go for it. You're not gonna find anything. You're gonna waste millions of dollars.