Metalhead Origins - Vicious Robotic Clone Of Donatello's Body Is Filled With Weapons, Head To Toe!

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise introduced a special character that none of the fans could have ever imagined. Apparently, apart from the four protagonist brothers, there is a unique fifth turtle that has a lot in common with Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo, and Raphael. This character is known as Metalhead. He has multiple histories and proves himself to be either a valuable asset to the ninja turtles or their worst nightmare. Now, to ease your confusion, we will be exploring everything about Metalhead in this video, right from his origins to the sources of his many powers. So, without further delay, let us dive right into the video.
#tmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtles

Metalhead Origins - Vicious Robotic Clone Of Donatello's Body Is Filled With Weapons, Head To Toe!

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