Fruit & Vegetable Rescue Cars | D Billions Kids Songs

I'm driving, driving, driving a police car,
Even if it's very, very, very far.

Ee-oh-ee-oh, ee-oh,
Just make a call.
Vroom, vroom, vroom,
And I help you all.

I'm driving, driving, driving a fire truck,
Make a way, way, way so I won't get stuck.

Ee-oh-ee-oh, ee-oh,
Just make a call.
Waahh, waahh, waahh,
And I help you all.

I'm driving, driving, driving an ambulance car,
Even if it's very, very, very far.

Ee-oh-ee-oh, ee-oh,
Just make a call.
Vroom, vroom, vroom,
And I help you all.

Hey kids, what car is it?
A police car.

Hey kids, what car is it?
A fire truck.

And what car is this?
An ambulance car.

Ee-oh-ee-oh, ee-oh,
Just make a call.
Vroom, vroom, vroom,
And I help you all.

#DBillions #fruitsandvegetables #rescuecars
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Fruit & Vegetable Rescue Cars | D Billions Kids Songs

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