Compulsory Retirement After 50: यूपी में सीएम योगी के इस फैसले से हाहाकार | UP Government | CM Yogi

सीएम योगी के एक फैसले से हाहाकार मचा हुआ है। यूपी में अब 50 उम्र पार करने के बाद सरकारी कर्मचारी रिटायर कर दिए जाएंगे। इसके लिए क्या नियम बनाए गए हैं। देखिए।

There is an outcry due to a decision of CM Yogi. In UP, now government employees will be retired after crossing the age of 50. What are the rules for this? See.

#cmyogi #yogiadityanath #govenmentemployee #yogigovt #upgovernment

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Compulsory Retirement After 50: यूपी में सीएम योगी के इस फैसले से हाहाकार | UP Government | CM Yogi

up government employee up government employee retire after 50 age up government employee retire retirement planning retirement benefits for central govt employees retirement retirement plan retirement benefits federal employee retirement government employees pension retirement benefits to government employees government employees retirement age 50 years government employees compulsory retirement

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