A Totally Objective and Unbiased FE7 Tier List

For those of you who don't know, this is based on my blind hector hard mode iron man run that ended at Battle Before Dawn. I know that may make you think that I'm "unqualified" to have an opinion, but honestly who's better to make an FE7 tier list than someone untainted by silly things such as "victory" and "knowledge" and "skill." Truly I am the only one qualified.

Music Used:
Together We Ride (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade) - https://youtu.be/yERQqvP0598
Together We Ride (Super Smash Bro. Brawl) - https://youtu.be/YYxHKM3uEb4
With Mila's Divine Protection (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate) - https://youtu.be/ED_2mp7TMrs

A Totally Objective and Unbiased FE7 Tier List

Fire Emblem The Blazing Blade Hector Hard Mode Fire Emblem 7 Blind Iron Man Fire Emblem Meme Fire Emblem Iron Man FE7 Iron Man Blazing Blade Iron Man Bicken Tier List FE7 Tier List Hector Hard Mode Tier List

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