What Lightsaber Form Was REJECTED By The Sith And The Jedi? Star Wars Fast Facts #Shorts

What lightsaber form was rejected by both the Sith and the Jedi?

Lightsaber battles are typically a duel to the death. However, that does not mean any move is fair game and one lightsaber form was rejected by the Sith and Jedi.

Created by a Jedi Consular during the Old Republic, Trakata was a lightsaber form developed to take advantage of the weapon’s unique ability to be powered on and off. Quickly extinguishing and then reigniting the blade would create an unfair advantage.

This tactic focused on deception and was seen as cheating by Jedi and Sith alike. The Sith claimed it displayed weakness and a lack of power, while the Jedi claimed the form was unsportsmanlike.

Because of these beliefs, this form of lightsaber combat is extremely rare.

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What Lightsaber Form Was REJECTED By The Sith And The Jedi? Star Wars Fast Facts #Shorts

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