So much POP 2! See her 2 week follow up and how much better she is doing from just one session.

Blackheads and whiteheads expressed. Pores cleared. Patient already doing much better in just two weeks. You can see the angry red pigment she had is fading. She still has some full pores that we get this session, but she’s very happy with the improvements she has gotten in just two weeks! Clearing the pores and prescription strength medications can make a huge difference in reducing inflammation and scars. Thanks for popping by! #dermatology #physicianassistant #dermatologyphysicianassistant #acne #acneextraction #acnetreatment #blackheads #blackheadsremoval #whiteheads #extractions #mrpopzit #mrpopzitlive

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So much POP 2! See her 2 week follow up and how much better she is doing from just one session.

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