RACE WEEK Day 5 - Mullet Locks In an Overall Lead and The Blazer Makes Its BEST PASS YET!!!

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The Blazer, Sam's C5 and Mullet made it to Pueblo... but they've got to run perfect to maintain their position in the top of their classes! Let's see what we can do!

No Purch Req’d. See Rules at www.CleetusMcFarland.com/store. Ends 7/5/2022 at 11:59 PM ET.

CleeterVision PPV Annual Subscription - https://www.cleetusmcfarland.com/cleetervision/

September 3-4, 2022 BRISTOL In-person tickets https://www.bristolmotorspeedway.com/events/cleetus-cars-and-the-bristol-1000/

September 3-4, 2022 BRISTOL Driver registration Cleetus & Cars https://tickets.thefoat.com/FreedomFactory/Cleetus+%26+Cars+Bristol+Competitor+Registration/tickets/event-239620/

Our 2022 Sponsors:

Cleetus2 Channel - https://goo.gl/Ph2wyo
Holley's channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeQfJXzg0gnfuM4tgmagCCw
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Instagram - https://goo.gl/LZvy5e
Facebook - https://goo.gl/gdwhh1

RACE WEEK Day 5 - Mullet Locks In an Overall Lead and The Blazer Makes Its BEST PASS YET!!!

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