NO WAY! Diablo Immortal Has EVEN MORE Cash Grabs Than We Thought…

I wish I was joking, really. As I levelled, I found EVEN MORE MTX systems.
Wishlist our game, The Pale Beyond!

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00:00 Intro
00:04 There’s More!
01:52 The Deep Dive…
07:03 Cash For Gems!
11:50 Wedging Open Your Wallet With Fake Value
14:50 The Realistic Costs
17:35 Brain Hacking With Matt
19:14 The Realistic Costs, Contd
21:40 Auction House? We’ve Got That Too!
22:42: A Total Disaster
32:40: What We’re Doing!
35:34 Special Surprise ;)

NO WAY! Diablo Immortal Has EVEN MORE Cash Grabs Than We Thought…

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