Let’s All Get Past This Confusion About Trans People

There has been a lot of talk about trans people lately, with controversy surroundings comedians, sports, as well as the usual back and forth between liberals and conservatives. As a liberal, the hateful and harmful rhetoric from the right upsets me, but I have also been consistently disappointed with the ways that liberals approach this conversation, failing to properly explain key scientific concepts to conservatives. I felt very strongly that I had something to add to the conversation, and I hope that people on both sides can find value in this video, and perhaps even correct certain aspects of their rhetoric. I do believe that we will soon get past this as a society, so that trans people will enjoy the acceptance that they deserve.

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Let’s All Get Past This Confusion About Trans People

trans transgender matt walsh what is a woman ben shapiro steven crowder lia thomas laverne cox what is transgender difference between sex and gender #whatisawoman

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