Impalement - History's Most BRUTAL Execution Method?

Throughout History and also the centuries, there were many different execution methods used by different Kings, Queens and rulers. Bloody Mary I is best remembered for burning people at the stake, and Henry VIII is most closely linked to the fact he beheaded two of his own wives. There was one Ruler of Wallachia and Romania that was known for his brutal use of an execution method that today is not seen around the world. Vlad the Impaler would brutally impale many of his enemies and own people in horrifying scenes, and it was said he had a forest of 20,000 impaled people near his city. This even put off armies invading his lands, and made him a very feared ruler.

But impalement was used for a variety of crimes, from murder to theft and highway robbery. It was seen as a brutal method of execution that could be rather instant, but people were also impaled and were left for dead. This could take days to kill someone if their vital organs were not hit by the wooden stake or metal pole. It was used in Egypt, Rome and other lands and often women who were murderers were killed using the method. As well as impalement, other execution methods were used to kill a condemned person such as the Breaking Wheel, which would make someones ordeal much worse.

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Impalement - History's Most BRUTAL Execution Method?

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